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2016-06-29 13:36     供稿单位: 新航道    

出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别


  You can begin to know what success means to you only by first taking apart the cultural dictatesthat you may have been living by and examining them to determine if they ring true for you. Importance, clout, VIP status, luxury cars, affluent addresses, a “normal” marriage, and expensive watches are external measurements of what our society generally views as the symbols of success. Perhaps that is because these are the markers that are the mostuniversally appealing to many people. If these elements beckon to you, then you can weaveyour vision of success from them. You can pursue your dream and work toward earning orattaining the rewards that bring you joy.


  Often, however, people pursue the popular trappings and/or goals without really knowing why. Perhaps they become caught up in the treadmill of “keeping up with the Joneses.” When success is pursued as proof of your worthiness, you are giving your life and your efforts overto the assessment of others. On the other hand, when success is pursued as the alignmentsof your innermost values and your goals become the validation of your inner truth, you honor your presence here on Earth as meaningful and authentic.

  然而,人们常常追求流行的奢华和 / 或目标,却不知道为什么。他们也许是因为鬼迷心窍才拼命赶时髦。如果你追求成功是想证明你的价值,那你就是在把你的生命和努力交给别人去评判。从另一方面来讲,如果你对成功的追求是你内心深处价值观念的体现,你的目标成了对你内在信念的检测,你就不枉来地球一趟,你的存在就不仅有意义,而且真实。

  Success can be assessed externally by observers evaluating whether you have met a standard established by society; however, at the end of the day, there is either a peaceful feeling within you or there is emptiness. The peaceful feeling signals that you have lived up toyour expectations and personal visions for yourself. The emptiness is a clue that you werestriving toward a definition of success and fulfillment that was never really yours to begin with.


