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2018-07-24 09:54     供稿单位: 新航道     原创作者:唐伟胜    

出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别


  “Many businesses think that the new employees who graduate from schools lack basic interpersonal skills, such as working with colleagues as a team. What are the causes and solutions to this problem?




















  Why do many employers think that new employees who graduate from schools possess poor, even terrible interpersonal skills? This problem refers to those employees who lack what is called ‘emotional intelligence’ and frequently experience failure andfrustration when attempting to interact with others in the workplace.





  (1) 本段直接提出问题,然后对关键词进行定义:什么叫“人际交往能力差”?

  (2) intelligence 智力

  (3) frustration 沮丧



  The new graduates themselves are partly to blame for this problem, for many of them spend their university time mostly on their smart phones and computer games, rather than social activities. Yet the most important reason is that interpersonal skills are ‘soft skills’ that are not likely to be taught in the classroom in the same way ‘hard skills’ (school subjects) are taught. In a school where the academic excellence is highlyrated, there is often an under-commitment to the development of effective interpersonal skills. As a result, many job seekers are not good at the interpersonal skills which are valuable to businesses.





  (1) 本段分析新员工缺乏人际关系能力的两个原因,首先是个人原因,其次是学校原因。

  (2) somebody/something is to blame for... 某人/某物因为......而应受到责备

  (3) rate 评价

  (4) as a result 结果

  (5) valuable 宝贵的



  While it is true that some individuals are born with an innate gift of ‘soft skills’, it is just as accurate to say that those not sogifted may learn these skills and develop them more fully. The first step is, of course, getting out of their virtual world and learning to interact with real people. For instance, they should learn such abilities, among others, to put on a happy face in day-to-day life, express appreciation for team members, and become good listeners. Then, it is also very important that the schoolcurriculum include more courses telling students how to build up strong social networking and maintain favorable interpersonal relationship. Equally important, the school should create more opportunities for students to practise the interpersonal skills they have learned from these courses.





  (1) 本段写解决问题的两个措施,分别从个人和学校两个方面来解决。

  (2) innate 天生的

  (3) gifted 有天赋的

  (4) appreciation 欣赏

  (5) curriculum 课程大纲



  1. This problem refers to those employees who lack what is called ‘emotional intelligence’ and frequently experience failure and frustration when attempting to interact with others in the workplace.



  2. The new graduates themselves are partly to blame for this problem, for many of them spend their university time mostly on their smart phones and computer games, rather than social activities.



  3. It is also very important that the school curriculum include more courses telling students how to build up strong social networking and maintain favorable interpersonal relationship.




  Why do many employers think that new employees who graduate from schools possess poor, even terrible interpersonal skills? This problem refers to those employees who lack what is called ‘emotional intelligence’ and frequently experience failure and frustration when attempting to interact with others in the workplace.


  The new graduates themselves are partly to blame for this problem, for many of them spend their university time mostly on their smart phones and computer games, rather than social activities. Yet the most important reason is that interpersonal skills are ‘soft skills’ that are not likely to be taught in the classroom in the same way ‘hard skills’ (school subjects) are taught. In a school where the academic excellence is highly rated, there is often an under-commitment to the development of effective interpersonal skills. As a result, many job seekers are not good at the interpersonal skills which are valuable to businesses.


  While it is true that some individuals are born with an innate gift of ‘soft skills’, it is just as accurate to say that those not so gifted may learn these skills and develop them more fully. The first step is, of course, getting out of their virtual world and learning to interact with real people. For instance, they should learn such abilities, among others, to put on a happy face in day-to-day life, express appreciation for team members, and become good listeners. Then, it is also very important that the school curriculum include more courses telling students how to build up strong social networking and maintain favorable interpersonal relationship. Equally important, the school should create more opportunities for students to practise the interpersonal skills they have learned from these courses.

  (289 words)




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