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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思口语 > 雅思口语Part2物品类题库:保持健康的运动


2020-02-20 16:57     作者 :    



  Describe an activity you do to keep fit.

  You should say:

  what you do

  when you started doing it

  how much time you spend doing it

  and explain how this activity helps you keep fit.

  Well, I’m sure I’m not the only one guilty of owning a gym membership that sits gathering dust in a drawer somewhere. I get my exercise mainly from cycling.

  I can’t remember exactly when I started cycling, but it was when I was around 5 or 6 years old. My dad taught me by pushing me down a hill and wishing me luck! There were a few bumps and bruises to begin with, but eventually I was riding all by myself and you know what they say, 'you never forget how to ride a bike'.

  I lack the motivation to go to the gym regularly, but I can fit cycling into my daily routine seamlessly. What’s more, I never get bored of being in the saddle. I ride to and from work and sometimes go out for longer rides on my days off. In fact, it’s not unheard of for me to slip on a pair of Lycra shorts and take a 50 or 60 mile jaunt on a weekend.

  Cycling is a great way to keep fit as it burns calories and there is less impact on your joints than other sports, such as running. As well as my body, cycling could help my mind. Some people say it helps you sleep longer and more deeply, in addition to reducing stress, all of which can only be a good thing.


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