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英语口语话题:Domestic chores无聊的家务活

2020-04-07 20:33     作者 :    


本期给各位同学带来口语话题:housework domestic chores 

趁着周末清明放假,在家休息的同时,也可以给家里来一个大扫除。我们先来看一下各个房间需要做的家务活然后给自己列一张 to do list

Let’s tidy up the house/clean up the house

1. In the bedroom:

make the bed整理床铺
dust the furniture 掸掉家具上的灰尘
sweep the floor 扫地
vacuum the carpet 吸地毯
mop the floor 拖地
scrub the floor 擦地
wash the windows 擦窗户
put dirty clothes in the linen basket 把脏衣服放到脏衣篮


2.In the kitchen/laundry room:
set the table 收拾餐桌
wipe off the table 擦桌子
put the food away 把吃的收起来
wash the dishes 洗碗
rinse the dishes 用水冲洗碗
dry/wipe the dishes 擦干碗碟
load the dishes into the dishwasher 把碗筷放进洗碗机
put dishes into cupboards 把碗筷放进碗柜
clean the sink 清理水槽
take out the garbage/trash 倒垃圾
do the laundry 洗衣服
hang out the clothes 晾衣服
put away clean clothes 把干净的衣服收起来


In the yard:
check the mail 检查信件
mow the lawn 修剪草坪
trim the hedges 修剪篱笆
turn on the sprinklers 打开洒水器
water the flowers 浇花
shovel the snow 铲雪
wash/wax the car 洗车、给车打

Part 3.m4a来自新航道南京学校00:0001:02


3.Problem with Household appliances
household appliances 家用电器
broken 坏掉的
out of order出现故障
fix 修理
blocked 堵塞的 (block someone on Wechat 微信上拉黑屏蔽某人)
plumbing 管道系统
plumber 水管工 


The washing machine is out of order so I need to call someone to fix it.
Excuse me, the drain in the bathroom is blocked. Could you please send someone to fix it for me?



Dialogues (对话练习)

A: I am having some plumbing problems and need them fixed.
A: 我的水管出了点问题,需要修理。
B: What exactly is wrong with the plumbing?
B: 管道到底出了什么问题?
A: The toilet flushes really slowly.
A: 厕所冲水很慢。
B: Are there any problems with the plumbing in the kitchen?
B: 厨房的下水管道有问题吗?
A: Both the kitchen and the bathroom plumbing are messed up.
A: 厨房和浴室的水管都是一团糟。
B: How long have you had these problems?
B: 这种情况多久了?
A: It has been going on for a while, but just started to get worse this morning.
A: 已经有一段时间了,今天早上才开始恶化。
B: I will send someone out to take a look at the problem. Will you be home this afternoon?
B: 我会派人去看看这个问题。今天下午你在家吗?
A: Yes, I will be home this afternoon.
A: 是的,我今天下午会回家。
B: Fine. I will be there around 2:00.
B: 很好。我大约2点到。



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