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2020-04-07 20:36     作者 :    


Transactive Memory

当你遇到了不会发音的汉字,或者密码锁没电了找不到充电口,你是选择查阅字典,打电话求助还是look it up online? 人们经常会说: 百度一下(Just Google it)国内是百度,国外是Google, 意思都是一样的,到网上搜素什么问题都能找到答案。



哥伦比亚大学的心理学家Betsy Sparrow做过一个非常的心理测试:


在个实验中,他们给测试者 40 unimportant facts to type into a computer. 显然,这一组测试者深信,电脑可以储存他们的信息。第二组测试者不相信电脑可以储存,结果:

The second group remembered the information better. People in the first group knew they could find the information again, so they did not try to remember it.


在另一个实验中,测试者在了解信息后,被告知how to find the information on the computer. 信息就在一个specific computer folder里面。令人意外的结果是:people later remembered the folder location better than the facts.

When people use the internet, they do not remember the information. Rather, they remember how to find it. 


由这个实验可以得出以上结论,这个结论可以说明一种现象:transactive memory.


如今,我们交互记忆(transactive memory)的表现形式有很多:



Which person or book has got the information they need



Which document folder has got the data they want



Which website has stored the resource they look for



可以归纳为一句话: We remember where to find the information, but we don’t remember the information.


客观地说,人们并没有因为网络发展而记忆力变差,只是为了更好地管理这个大信息量时代的工作,人们加强了transactive memory的能力,也就是说,使用记忆力的方式发生了改变。


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