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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思写作 > 流程图和地图题6分和7分的区别是什么?


2017-11-24 10:37     作者 :    


雅思写作6分是很多烤鸭们理想的分数,7分则是他们梦想中的分数。对于考了4-5次依然是5.5 分的同学而言,他们开始迷茫,几乎是丧失了能考到6的信心。


为了让大家对自己的作文有更清楚、正确的认识,这里我结合官方评分标准,剑桥真题范文和批改的众多学生作文,跟大家深入剖析6分和7分流程图、地图作文的特点。我选取了C3-C12所有的流程图和地图的范文作为分析对象。流程图:C6T3,C10T4,C8T3,C12T8    地图:C5T3,C9T1,C12T6




task achievement (Task 1)/task response(Task 2) 写作任务完成情况(任务1)/写作任务回应情况(任务2)

coherence and cohension 连贯与衔接

lexical resources(vocabulary)词汇多样性

grammatical range and accuracy 语法多样性与准确性





Vocabulary: flexible, less common

Grammar: various( 200-230词, 简单句, 并列句,从句,分词结构, 介词短语灵活使用)

CC:a range of cohesive devices(比较充分)

TR: key feature, clear overview (极少部分信息没有反应,或不符图情)





The two maps show the same island while first one is before and the second one is after the construction for tourism.


Looking first at the one before construction, we can see a huge island with a beach in the west. The total length of the island is approximately 250 metres.(图上信息没有写完整the tree ; the sea)


Moving on to the second map, we can see that there are lots of buildings on the island. There are two areas of accommodation. One is in the west near the beach while the other one is in the centre of the island. Between them, there is a restaurant in the north and a central reception block, which is surrounded by a vehicle track. This track also goes down to the pier where people can go sailing in the south sea of the island. Furthermore, tourists can swim near the beach in the west. A footpath connecting the western accommodation units also leads to the beach.


Overall, comparing the two maps, there are significant changes after this development. Not only lots of facilities are built on the island, but also the sea is used for activities. The new island has become a good place for tourism.



Vocabulary(蓝色字体): Central reception block; western accommodation units; go sailing; go down to; lead to; be surrounded by

Coherence and Cohesion(紫色字体): this track; furthermore; overall

Grammar(黄色红色字体): 200词, 13句 (  8+5 )



and x1;not only…but also…x 1



….while...;… which is surroundex1;…., where x1;



looking at…;moving on to….;comparing…Connecting…



With a beach in the west


There be句型使用频繁


Task Response:


第二个图accommodation 没有写出foot path情况




Vocabulary: adequate, attempt to use less common words(会有用词不准确或拼写错误,但不影响读者理解)

Grammar: A mixture of sentence forms(155-167词, 总体句子比较简短,很少有分词结构和介词短语的使用,会有语法错误,但不影响理解)

CC:good use of linkers and referencing phrases(衔接过渡词用的比较好)

TR: There is room for expansion of the description of each stage(明显某些过程描述不清楚)





The diagrams show the processes and the equipments used to make cement, and how these are used to produce concrete for building purpose.

The first step in the cement productions is to introduce limestone clay. These materials pass through a crusher that produces a powder. Then this powder goes into a mixer. After this, the product passes to a rotating heater which works with heat. Afterwards, the mixture goes into a grinder where the cement comes out. At the end of the process, the cement is packed in bags.

Referring to the concret production, the process begins with a combination of 15% cement, 10% water, 25% sand and 50% gravel. These four elements are introduced into a concret mixer.

As mentioned above, the concrete production takes fewer steps than the cement production, however, it is necessary to use more materials than the latter process in order to obtain the final product.




A range of relevant vocabulary is used, although this is not wide and there are some less suitable word choices. 用使用了相关词汇,但并没有尝试使用一些less common words,且一些用词不准确( to introduce limestone中introduce 改为convey 更好 )


Coherence and Cohesion(6.5分):

good use of linkers and referencing phrases. 衔接过渡是该篇作文的优势(These materials, Then,After this, Afterwards, At the end of the process, )



A mixture of sentence forms is used and there are some accurate examples of complex structures, but the many short, simple sentence tend to limit the range. 有从句并列句的使用,但很多句子过于简短;同时也有一些语法问题,但不影响理解(the concrete production takes fewer steps than the cement production, however, it is necessary to,however的使用错误, 应该改为;however, 或者. However, )


151词, 10句 (5+5)


and x1;



….how x 1...;… which x1;…., where x1;...that x1...



referring to ....


Task Response:  (6.0分)

The main difference between the the two processes are identified in a clear summary, but other important feature could be describes more fully.


主要区别和特点有体现, 但是其他重要特征没有具体展开(25% sand and 50% gravel. These four elements are introduced into a concret mixer.  其中gravel应该有具体的补充说明, which is small stones; concret mixer也应该有具体拓展, which continually rotates to combine the materials and ultimately produce concrete.)






内容方面:6分作文基本有回应到题目要求,但部分内容没有拓展,字数普遍在160-180 左右,7分在内容上基本全部回应了要求,会有极少内容上的丢失,字数大概在200-230左右;




词汇方面:6分作文有尝试使用一些不是常见的单词,但有些可能不够准确,7分则使用较多的less common words, 且用词准确。



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