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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思阅读 > 雅思阅读材料之如何判断他是不是“花花公子”


2013-12-26 14:58     作者 :    


Why do men play around when they know full well they will eventually get caught and it ends up hurting someone else's feelings? What it comes down to for these types of guys is the thrill of the chase, they get so wrapped up in the sexual tension and chasing, it becomes somewhat of an addiction. 



Ok so that's all well and good for them, but what about if you are on the receiving end of this, how bad is this going to make you feel when you find out he's cheating on you or he's thinking about it? Terrible of course! 



However there are a few things you should know if you want to spot whether he is that type of guy and what you need to do to get out quickly before you get hurt, so let's get started... " Warning: Is Your Guy A Player?" 



1. He'll shamelessly flirt with other women in front of you.

1. 他会在你面前无耻的跟别的女人调情


Players are often always thinking about where the next one is coming from. One of the symptoms of this is that he might blatantly flirt with other women right under your nose.



I'm not saying you have to be paranoid about every girl he talks to, but watch out for him exchanging lots of numbers, or making inappropriate physical contact with every girl who comes over.



2. He openly talks about other women in your presence.

2. 有你在场时他公然谈论其他女人


Some players will be completely untactful about showing (or evenoutright telling you!) about their attraction for other women.



Any guy who talks about other women being "hot" in your presence is either trying to make you jealous, or it's a clear indication that he's not particularly worried about your feelings (another sign ofa player).



3. He's uncurious about you as a person.

3. 他对你的为人并不感到好奇


Players aren't usually bothered about you past superficial characteristics. 



Usually a "player" type will want you because he's sexually attracted but he doesn't really want to ask questions that will help him know you better as a person. 


以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读材料之如何判断他是不是“花花公子”,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思阅读频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/yuedu/

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