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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思语法 > 这5大语法规则,会让你的文章大放异彩!


2018-06-21 13:45     作者 :    


  在《普林斯顿评论》刊登的一篇题为《大学申请的 6 大简单语法规则》的文章中,高校招生官谈到,良好的语法能让你的想法“大放异彩”。 这些官员每天都会接触大量来自全球各地学生递交的申请文书,并由此决定谁能获取入学资格。







  规则1  修饰语(描述事物的单词或短语)应靠近其修饰的单词或短语。

  示例: Purchased last week, the new preparation materials helped the student study.

  常见错误: Purchased last week, the student studied with her new preparation materials.


  规则2  确保代词指代一个特定的名词,并与其指代名词的单数或复数形式保持一致。

  示例: The professor is a favorite at the university, but he is now taking a semester off.

  常见错误: The professor is a favorite at the university, but they were now taking a semester off.


  规则3  牢记句子主语,确保主语始终与动词保持一致。

  示例: Each of the authors involved in writing the book was a sociologist.

  常见错误: Each of the authors involved in writing the book were sociologists.


  规则4  当一个句子中存在两个或多个并列成分时,应使用同类语法形式。

  示例: The teacher thought he was a good student because he turned in his papers on time, tested well on exams and appeared enthusiastic.

  常见错误: The teacher thought he was a good student because he turned in his papers on time, tested well on exams and his enthusiasm was high.


  规则5  当主语是动作的执行者时,选择主动语态(而非被动语态)。

  示例: After I spent the past semester meeting with my study group in the library, I decided to change the location.

  常见错误: After meeting in the library with my study group for the past semester, changing locations was my decision.



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