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学AP 课程,拿SAT 高分

2015-05-29 10:44     作者 : 李传伟 哈佛大学硕士 新航道SAT 首席主讲    


  A P 课程( Advanced Placement)即美国大学先修课程,也就是高中生选修的大学课程。学AP 的福利真不少,到了大学可以免修该课程是最明显的好处之一。不仅如此,学习AP 还有一个大收获:提升SAT 阅读能力与写作能力。下面以AP 历史教材The American Pageant 为例,探讨一下AP 课程给SAT 阅读和写作带来的好处。


  在AP 历史的教材中,我最推崇The American Pageant。这本大部头著作的文笔美。它用词富有变化,有利于考生积累SAT 词汇填空部分的同义词群和SAT 的写作用词;它的句法简练生动,有助于考生在SAT 写作中模仿。试看从该书“10 Launching the New Ship of State”部分摘选的句子。



  该书( 每个句子后面的页码为句子在原书中的页码)大量使用不同SAT 词汇表达同一个意思。

  下列1-3 句中的approbation、acclaim、 plaudit 的意思是“赞扬”,属于SAT 词汇填空中的一个常考同义词群。4-6 句中的incense、infuriate 、enrage 的意思是“激怒”,构成另一个同义词群。

  1. Such approbation was shortsighted, for dire peril loomed ahead. (p199)

  2 . This French furor brought to Adams a degree of personal acclaim that he had never known before—and was never to know again. (p204)

  3. He doubtless perceived that a full - fledged war ,crowned by the conquest of the Floridas and Louisiana, would bring new plaudits to the Federalist party—and perhaps a second term to himself. (p204)

  4. These actions incensed patriotic Americans. (p200)

  5. The French were infuriated by Jay’s Treaty. (p202)

  6. Hamilton and his war-hawk faction were enraged. (p204)




  下列1-2 句中的划线部分就非常精辟,可见下结论时可以使用简练的句法。这对于眼中只有长难句的SAT 考生是一个很好的启发。

  3-4 句属于常见的对比句型,在SAT 写作中大有用武之地。3 句常用于表示今昔对比,4 句用于表示一般对比,在2014 年1 月25 日的写作中都能用上,因为这次写作要求对比innovators 和其他人的行为。

  5-6 句使用生动的比喻。对于英语中的比喻不可生搬硬套,可以多看一些类似的例子,然后模仿使用。

  7-8 句使用习语。掌握习语对于理解原文有好处,使用习语能拉近考生与考官之间的距离,所以习语值得储备。

  1. Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation clearly illustrates the truism that self-interest is the basic cement of alliances.(p199)

  2. Many citizens regarded him with “respectful irritation.”(p201)

  3. What once was a personal feud between Hamilton and Jefferson developed into a full-blown and frequently bitter political rivalry. (p196)

  4. When Washington left office in 1797, he was showered with the brickbats of partisan abuse, quite in contrast with the bouquets that had greeted his arrival. (p201)

  5. The first Congress also nailed other newly sawed government planks into place. (p193)

  6. The shores of history are littered with the wreckage of nascent nations torn asunder before they could grow to a stable maturity. Why should the United States expect to enjoy a happier fate? (p209)

  7. Yet the foes of the administration condemned its brutal display of force—for having used a sledgehammer to crush a gnat.(p196) 划线部分的大意:杀鸡用牛刀

  8. Adding insult to outrage, the Paris regime haughtily refused to receive America’s newly appointed envoy and even threatened him with arrest. (p203) 划线部分的大意:火上浇油

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