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2019-06-26 18:05     作者 :    


  大多数考生都会觉得涉及到校园情景的第三题和第五题相对简单,清晰的听力结构更是第五题“受大家欢迎”的原因之一,然而口语分数停滞在 20 左右分的考生,第五题很可能还存在内容上的瑕疵,因此这是很好的一个突破点。我们应尽量把相对简单的题目发挥得更好,以便取得一个更为理想的口语分数。

  我们先来看一下第五题的题型:围绕校园生活场景展开,涉及到两个人的一段对话(通常为一男一女),其中一个 Speaker 遇到了一个问题,随后两个对话人一起讨论出两个解决方法,但每种方案都有其优势和劣势(优势有时不会在听力中出现)。因此我们的笔记形式应为:


  由于听力对话是校园情景相关的,内容容易理解、关键信息的提示词也会比较明显,因此大多数考生的笔记内容不会出现大问题。Task5 的题目要求是:首先概括一下所遇到的困难是什么 ? 其次,陈述两个解决方案自己倾向于哪一个,并表明支持原因。但是,总结问题时学生经常会犯一些小错误,导致不能拿满这一部分的分数。下面我们来谈一下考生答题时容易出现的问题: 

  1.时态混乱问题。考生的作答内容出现过去式、一般现在时混用的情况,应尽量避免这种情况。对话中两个人描述的是其中某一人目前面临的问题,考生要针对目前情况进行解决方法的推荐,因此复述时大多数都会使用一般现在时,过去式使用率很少。但少数情况除外,如听力材料中问题呈现了已经发生过的事情以 TPO 22 - TASK 5 为例,

  Listen to a conversation between two students.

  (man) Hey, Jane, did you finish your research paper for class?

  (woman) Yeah, I printed it up this morning.

  (man) Why do you look so worried then?

  (woman) Well, I was just in the cafeteria eating lunch and reading it over

  one last time when I split some soup on it, and the class starts in fifteen


  (man) How bad is it?

  (woman) It's not huge but you can definitely see it and several of the

  pages got wet.

  (man) What are you gonna do?


  在总结问题时,可以这样开头 The woman in the conversation spilt some soup on the research paper... spilt 在这里是正确用法,因为这个动作已经完成。或者也可以用现在完成时,The woman in the conversation has spilt some soup on the research paper. 但不推荐使用 The woman in the conversation faced a problem that 这样的模板,毕竟还没雨过天晴,问题正在困扰着说话人。

  2. 问题概括不够全面。学生常常能够把握说话人提及的最关键的问题部分,但会忽略其中的一些次要方面,然而想在问题概述部分的内容上拿满分还是要对这些方面提起注意。依旧以 TPO22-TASK5 为例,大多数考生在描述问题时会以“The woman in the conversation spilt some soup on her research paper”结束,但是!这样概括的话就少了非常核心的一个内容——只有 15 分钟就要上课了。反思一下,是不是少了的这个信息也是构成问题的一个重要部分呢?

  学以致用——小试牛刀。TPO24-TASK5 问题部分的文字稿如下:

  (man) Hey, Amy, have you finished moving out of your dorm room yet?

  (woman) Yeah, I'm all done. I moved into my new apartment off-campus


  (man) How do you like it?

  (woman) It's great. There's just one problem.

  (man) What's that?

  (woman) Well, I don't have internet connection in my new apartment so I

  can't use the computer to access the internet from my room.

  (man) And that's really important.

  (woman) Right, I need it to do research for classes, email people, stuff like that. I use it almost every day.

  有了总结问题各个方面的意识,这道题就不难给出问题中的两个方面了。女孩子刚搬进的新公寓没网(问题的关键所在),但她每天都需要使用网络做事情(进一步解释网络的重要性,没网对她的影响有多大)。因此,问题可总结为 The woman's new apartment she just moved in doesn't have internet connection but she needs to use the internet to do research or email other people.

  3. 描述问题时不恰当的使用情态动词。部分时候考生根据自己的理解概括问题时会出错误,同样以 TPO22-TASK5 为例,问题描述时会这样呈现: The woman in the conversation can't hand in her paper on time because she spilt some soup on it. 这样的话就会跟后面的解决方法冲突,因为The first个解决方法是就这么交,好处之一就是可以按时上交。参考原文如下:

  (man) What are you gonna do?

  (woman) I could just go ahead and hand it in like this and explain to the

  professor what happened, I mean, you can still read the paper, and the pages should dry out a little by the time class begins. But they'll still be sort of sticky and wrinkled.

  (man) Well, not all professors care that much about how the paper looks. At least it'll be in on time. (按时交)因此,考生在练习的时候要注意整体的逻辑、慎重使用情态动词否定,避免打脸,犯这样的内容前后不一致的错误。



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