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2019-12-06 17:22     作者 :    


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Spending leisure time outdoors is preferable to spending free time indoors.



  In recent years, stressed-out[紧张的,焦虑的,担心的 syn: stressed; ]urbanites have been seeking refuge[n. 避难所;庇护所; seek refuge in drinking] in activities for positive impacts physically and mentally, but some prefer indoor ones such as reading or watching movies. In my cases, outdoor activities are good for body and mind.

  Body 1

  Staying outdoors has a psychological restorative[adj. 促进精力复元的;促进健康恢复的] effect [中心句,直截了当]. This is where outdoor activities seem to have an edge over other indoor ones. For instance, being by water is positively related to happiness of a person. For most people, to go to the sea is synonymous with [adj. 同义的,等同的/ be synonymous with/] letting go strains and stresses. When people are sailing, surfing or swimming outdoors, they are really in tune with[与…协调,与…相契合] the nature. By concentrating on the natural environment or the activity itself, they access a peaceful state. Water therefore is quite immersive [adj. 带来沉浸感的;身临其境的/] for them [长短结合]. Although the benefits of blue spaces, such as the sea and coastline, rivers, lakes or waterfalls, are less well publicized, yet the science has been consistent in this regard for at least a decade [转折句完美收尾,强调有科学证明].

  Body 2

  Apart from being a restorative[n. 使健康或精力恢复的东西], outdoor activities do bring a healthy lifestyle [段落衔接]. Instead of curling up on sofa, watch movies while eating snacks after work, an outdoor person tends to ease tension in face, neck, shoulder or muscles through various ways. It could be climbing a mountain or breathing air in the park. For somebody else, it could be a wild, empty coast. But all these are just human[adj. 人本性的;通人情的] sense of physical relaxing. Most citizens might have the feeling of ‘Oh, look, there’s the sea’, and the shoulders drop. Afterall [引入对比论证], staying inactive never equals to stress relieving. It can be counterproductive[适得其反] in most cases. This is because pressure of being unhealthy plus with strains from the workplace will eventually overwhelm [压垮] the person.

  Body 3


  outdoors- friends- communication- sort out ideas..

  In conclusion, 略


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