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2020-04-09 17:41     作者 :    






  1 月 4 日

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier to become educated today than in the past.

  ( 下 午 场 )

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Should teachers assign homework that students must do everyday.

  1 月 5 日

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better for your friend to ask you for help instead of a professional tutor (if you are good at this subject).

  1 月 11 日

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for governments to spend money building new housing than preserving historical or traditional buildings and homes.

  1 月 12 日

  If you can change one aspect to improve your health, which would you choose? Why?

  - The kind of food

  - The amount of exercise

  - The amount of stress


  下面让我们看看能够用得上疫情素材的旧题。然后再开大个脑洞预测一下有可能出现的新题吧!疫情当然是属于和公共卫生相关的topic啦!在目前笔者能够搜集到的托福独立写作题目中,和 public health “沾亲带故”的如下:

  1、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Solving environmental problems is the best way for the government to improve public health.

  2、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should give priority to improving health care than to solving environmental problems.



  在这里我们需要首先破解的是什么叫做解决环境问题,或者是有什么环境问题是需要解决的。托福作文里一般会提及的环境问题包括各种pollution, energy crisis, 以及wildlife loss。这里如果你选择了agree,就可以使用 coronavirus 的例子了。

  这是一次国际关注的突发公众卫生事件(Public Health Emergency of International Concern)。事件的起因可能是因为有人吃了野生动物(eat bush meat)结果被野生动物(蝙蝠 bat、果子狸 masked palm civet)所携带的新 型冠状病毒(novel coronavirus)感染 (infect v./infection n.),得了病毒性的肺炎(viral pneumonia),进而出现了人传人的情况(human-to-human transmission)导致大规模疫情的爆发(an outbreak)。如果武汉政府可以早点采取预防政策(preventive measure),事态也许不会那么严重。所以解决环境 问 题, 比 如 保 护 野 生 动 物(conserve wildlife)是可以改善 public health 的。

  第二题依然讨论的是health care (卫生保健) 和 environmental problems 之间的关系。

  如果选择了把解决 environmental problems 的重要性放在 health care 之上,也还是在论证解 决环境问题是改善 public health 的前提,我们可以继续使用上段的例子。

  除了和 public health有关的题目外,托福的题库中还有讨论 health 问题的。大家感兴趣的话可以利用宅在家的时光去做一下。


  最后祝大家都能好好利用闭关的时间,认真准备考试,等到春暖花开的时候一举取得理想的成绩!当然,不要忘记勤洗手(wash hands frequently)、戴口罩(wear a mask)哦。

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