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雅思考试常用词汇解析(9) | 金钱

2022-10-31 10:01     作者 :    


1. extravagant /ɪk'strævəg(ə)nt/
adj. 奢侈的;铺张的;过分昂贵的
e.g. the extravagant lifestyle of a movie star. 
e.g. Her house is decorated in an extravagant style. (口语话题中用来描述奢华的装修风格)
可以说:have extravagant taste in watches/ clothes/ shoes. 
He spent a fortune on luxuries.
People want to buy designer labels for snob value.
She only buys branded / brand-name handbags.
2. prohibitive /proʊˈhɪbətɪv/
prohibit 动词本义为:禁止,我们经常在公共场所会看到一些标志:Flash photography is prohibited. 禁止开闪光灯拍照。
Housing prices in the major cities are prohibitive. 大城市的房价高的令人…..望! 而! 却! 步!
prohibitive: If the cost of something is prohibitive, it is so high that many people cannot afford it.
e.g. The cost of a nursing home is prohibitive. (注:nursing home即私人疗养院/养老院)
也可以作为副词:prohibitively expensive 非常非常贵!
3. well-off 
adj. 家境好的,家境殷实的 (说白了就是rich hhh
e.g. Her family is extremely well-off.
e.g. He grew up in a well-off district of New York. 富人区
e.g. It is a resort that clearly caters for the well-off. 这个度假区专门为the well-off 有钱人服务。 
另外还有就是:people from less well-off families. 可以理解为比较普通的家庭。
4. materialistic /mə'tɪrɪə'lɪstɪk/
这个单词的意思结合 material 还是非常好理解的。
People who believe that having money and material possessions is the most important thing in life. 追求物质的/金钱至上的。
如:a materialistic lifestyle/ culture/society
雅思口语有个话题问到:How can people be happy?
The way I see it, money can buy happiness since we are living in a society with materialistic culture. (有点肤浅,但是也不得不承认hhh)
5. fortune /'fɔːtʃuːn/
fortune 这个单词大家都很熟悉,除了幸运还有财富的意思。我们最后补充几个常用的短语:
achieve fame and fortune 名利双收
make a fortune 赚大钱 =make a killing.
Cost a fortune 很费钱= expensive 
剑桥听力13-3-3 提到一种染料,原文是:I managed to get the dye quite easily from a website. But it cost a fortune. 
配对题中对应的选项即:It is expensive.

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