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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思口语 > 雅思口语:你将来打算掌握的技能


2020-10-12 16:17     作者 : 党巍杰    


  大家好,又跟大家见面了,今天我们将一起来看一道雅思口语第二部分的抽象类话题,描述你将来打算掌握的技能(Describe a skill you want to develop in the future)。这道话题难度不算太高,我们可以尝试跟很多其他话题进行串联。本文中,我将给大家梳理一下这个话题的解题思路,并进行相关答题素材的补充。






  Why:这个是本话题另外的一个答题重点,我们需要花足够的篇幅去陈述清楚我们为什么要去学习这个技能?通过掌握这个技能,我们可以获得哪些益处?当我们需要去分析原因的时候,我们依旧需要从内因和外因两个角度去解析,内因方面:我们需要说一下学习这个技能我们自身可以获得哪些提升?举个例子,比如我们说想学习弹钢琴(Play the piano),那么通过学习弹钢琴我们自身可以提升对音乐的鉴赏力,培养自己的专注度,还可以陶冶情操,此外,通过学钢琴,也可以成为我们将来的职业发展。外因方面:在如今社会,越来越多的艺术培训机构如雨后春笋般涌现,而且课时费还是可以接受的,很多人都承担得起,也愿意去学习弹钢琴,不再像过去那么昂贵了。此外,随着各种购物节的打折力度越来越大,如今去买一家普通的钢琴不再那么贵了,很多家庭都可以买得起钢琴了,这也为学习弹钢琴创造了外部条件,这些都是很明显的外因。



  大家最容易想到的就是学开车,学做饭,学乐器例如钢琴,古筝,架子鼓等。在文末的sample answer里面我就为大家准备了一篇关于学开车的例子,大家可以读一下,会有所启发。除此之外,我们也可以把这个话题巧妙的跟其他口语话题进行串联,例如前段时间非常高频的一个话题:Describe a language other than English you plan to learn,描述一个除了英语以外你打算学习的外语,其实学语言也是一个很好的技能,毕竟语言是一种工具,可以帮助我们更好的了解国外文化。再如这个话题:Describe a way that helps you to save money,描述一个帮助你省钱的好办法,其实也可以跟咱满今天讲的这个话题串联一下,例如学理发,通过自己理发来达到省钱的目的。大家可以发现,通过话题串联,可以大大提升我们的备考效率。


  Describe a skill you want to develop in the future.

  You should say,

  What skill it is,

  How will you achieve it,

  When will do develop it,

  And explain why you want to develop this skill.

  When it comes to the skill I want to develop in the future, I will talk about learning driving without any hesitation. I plan to start learning it immediately after my high school graduation and by then I will turn 18 years old, which is the legal age of acquiring the driving license according to local traffic law. Actually, there are a great number of driving training centers in my hometown, and I plan to register a training course at one of them that is near my home. To be honest, all of my friends told me that driving is really easy to learn, however, I have a really poor sense of direction and body coordination, it might be a great challenge for me to master the skill of driving. I definitely need to practice it over and over again with the proper instruction from my trainer. In today’s life, almost everyone has a driving license and knowing how to driving is really a must for us. On top of that, my mom promise to buy me a car once I get my driving license, and it is certainly a perfect motivation for to learn driving as soon as possible. In my hometown, the public transportation system such as sky trains or subways is not that advanced, people have a very large reliance on driving when they need to travel for work or shopping. Therefore, learning driving is becoming more and more urgent for me. Last reason is that all my family members like self-driving trip a lot, if I can drive I can take turns to drive with my mom and in this way, she won’t be that tired. All in all, driving is the skill I want to learn the most in the future.


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