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2013-09-04 11:58     作者 :    






为见老师芳容 愿意“重读大学”


微博发出两天引起诸多评论,转发量已达3400多,不少网友感叹,为见美女老师芳容,“重读大学”也不过分。还有网友调侃道:“要是林雪薇是我老师,我的 英语怎么会只停留在四级的水平?”而据微博传言,这 位美女老师所教的英语课学生总是很积极,逃课率几乎为零。看到大家为林老师的美丽而着迷,部分冷静派的网友则认为老师的外貌与教学能力是无关的,老师美丽得让学生无法逃课,不知是有助学习,还是影响学习。


老师为人低调 不愿“被出名”








《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》Mona Lisa Smile


In 1953, Katherine Ann Watson, a 30-something graduate student in the department of Art History at UCLA, takes a position teaching "History of Art" at Wellesley College, a conservative women's private liberal arts college in Massachusetts because she wants to make a difference and influence the next generation of women. At her first class, Katherine discovers that the girls have already memorized the entire syllabus from the textbook so she instead uses the classes to introduce them to Modern Art and encourages spirited classroom discussions about topics such as what makes good art and what the Mona Lisa's smile means. This brings her into conflict with the conservative College President who warns Katherine to stick to the syllabus if she wants to keep her job. Katherine comes to know many of the students in her class well and seeks to inspire them to seek more than marriage to eligible young men.


《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》是一部2003年的美国励志电影,由Mike Newell执导,茱莉娅·罗伯茨、克斯汀·邓斯特等主演。电影以1950年代的美国为背景,讲述一个任教于一间私立女子文理学院的美术史教授如何透过艺术启发一班上流社会出身的学生去独立思考。虽说女性解放运动在1970年代才发生,比电影中的事件晚了二十年,但Watson相信女性应独立自主,其实和女性主义的信念有相当多不谋而合的地方。


死亡诗社 Dead Poets Society


Dead Poets Society is a 1989 American drama film directed by Peter Weir and starring Robin Williams. Set at the conservative and aristocratic Welton Academy in Vermont in 1959, it tells the story of an English teacher who inspires his students through his teaching of poetry.


Neil Perry , Todd Anderson , Knox Overstreet, Charlie Dalton, Richard Cameron, Steven Meeks, and Gerard Pitts are senior students of the Welton Academy, an elite prep school, whose ethos is defined by the headmaster Gale Nolan as "tradition, honor, discipline and excellence". The teaching methods of their new English teacher, John Keating, are unorthodox by Welton standards, whistling the 1812 Overture and taking them out of the classroom to focus on the idea of carpe diem. He tells the students that they may call him "O Captain! My Captain!" in reference to a Walt Whitman poem, if they feel daring…



以上就是新航道雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读材料之广外美女老师学生,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道雅思阅读频道 http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/yuedu/

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