托福考试必背短语 | come(二)

托福词汇 12/21

关于 come 的短语(二)


come on 进展;开始运转;向前

come out 出版;结果是;出现

come out of the woodwork 从阴暗角落爬出

come over 从远方(或克服障碍后)过来

come rain or shine 无论情况如何

come through 胜利;安然度过;批准下达

come to a bad end 悲惨收场;遭到毁灭

come to a conclusion 得出结论

come to an end 结束,完结,终了

come to life 苏醒;显得逼真

come to light 显露;众所周知

come to nothing 终未实现,没有结果

come to one's mind 出现在某人的脑海中

come to terms 达成协议,让步

come to the point 切题,谈到正题

come true(希望等)实现,成为现实

come undone(鞋带等)松了

come up 出现;发生;走上前来

come up against 面临(困难等)

come up in the world 发迹,兴盛,飞黄腾达

come up with(针对问题、挑战等)提出

come upon 偶遇;邂逅

come what may 不管怎样,无论如何

come into existence 存在,出现

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