

雅思 (IELTS)



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2012-10-16 00:00     供稿单位: 互联网    

出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别


   Part One常考话题

  Your Studies

  Your Work

  Your hometown

  Daily Routine

  Your accommodation

  Part One


  1. Do you have many relatives?

  2. Who is the most important member of your family?

  3. Do you live in a big family or a small family?

  4. Who did you spend the most time with when you were a child?

  5. Do you spend more time with your relatives or with your friends?


  1. Who gave you your name?

  2. Does your name have any particular meaning?

  3. Do you like your name?

  4. Do you want to change your name?

  5. What do people have to do if they want to change their names?

  6. Who usually name babies in your country?

  7. Is there tradition about naming babies?


  1. Do you play games? Why or why not?

  2. What kind of game do you like to play?

  3. Do you prefer outdoor games or indoor games?

  4. Do you play video games? Why or why not?

  5. Did you play video games when you were a child?

  6. What indoor games did you play when you were a child?

  7. What indoor games are popular with children?

  8. Do you think computer games are good for children?

  9. How have the games children play changed?

  10. What kinds of games will children play in the future?

  Public Transport

  1. What means of transport do you usually use?

  2. Which means of transport do you prefer?

  3. How often do you use public transport?

  4. What do you usually do when you are traveling?

  5. What don’t you like about the public transport where you live?

  6. What do you think can be done to improve the public transport system where you live?


  1. Have you ever attended any wedding?

  2. When was the last time you attended a wedding?

  3. Do you like to be invited to a wedding?

  4. What usually happens at a wedding in your country?

  5. Would you recommend a old-fashioned wedding or a modern wedding?

  6. How is old-fashioned wedding different from a modern wedding?

  7. Which one is more popular now?

  Sports & Exercise

  1. Do you like to do sports?

  2. What sport do you like to do? Why?

  3. Did you do any sport when you were a child?

  4. Do you do any exercise to keep fit?

  5. How often do you do exercise?

  6. What do you think are the benefit of doing exercise?

  7. Do old people and young people like to do the same kind of exercise or sport?

  8. What sports are most popular in your country?


  1. Did you collect anything (such as stamps or CD's) when you were a child?

  2. Do you still collect them now?

  3. Do you collect anything as a hobby now?

  4. Why do you like collecting things?

  5. Do people in your country like to collect things?

  6. Why do you think people like collecting things?

  7. What are some examples of things that some people collect (as a hobby)?

  8. Do you think you will collect anything in the future?

  9. If you had a lot of money, what would you like to collect?


  1. Do you often read newspapers?

  2. Do you read local news more or international news more?

  3. Do young people read newspapers today?

  4. Do you think people will read newspapers more or less in the future?

  5. How does the Internet change the way people read newspapers?


  1. Do you watch TV?

  2. How long do you watch TV everyday?

  3. Which program do you like to watch? Why?

  4. What kind of program don’t you like to watch? Why not?

  5. Do you prefer to watch TV alone or with others? Why?

  6. Did you like to watch TV when you were a child?

  7. Do you think parents should decide how much TV their children watch?


  1. Do you have close friends?

  2. What do you think makes good friend?

  3. How often do you spend time with your friends?

  4. Do you prefer to be with your family or with your friends?

  5. What do you usually do with your friends in your spare time?

  6. Which do you think is more important, family or friends?


  1. Do you often use computers?

  2. When did you start using computers?

  3. What do you use computers for?

  4. How important is computer to you?

  5. What effect do computers have on children?

  6. Do you want to learn any computer skills?

  7. How do you think computer has changed the way people live?


  1. Have you ever been a live concert?

  2. When was the last time you attended a concert?

  3. Would you like to go to a concert in the future?

  4. What sorts of concerts do you have in your country?

  5. How is attending a concert different from hearing it on a CD or on the radio?


  1. Do you like to watch films?

  2. Do you prefer to watch films at home or in a cinema?

  3. How often do you watch a film?

  4. What kinds of films did you like to watch when you were a child?

  5. Do you still like the same kind of films?

  6. Do you prefer foreign films or domestic films?

  7. Why do you think people like to watch films?

  8. Do you think watching films is a good way to spend free time?


  1. Do you like taking photos?

  2. How often do you take photos?

  3. How do you organize your photos?

  4. Do you prefer photos of scenery or of people?

  5. Do people like to take photos in your country?

  6. Do you think it’s important to have a good camera?

  7. What kinds of photos do you like?

  8. How is traditional ways of taking photos different from modern ways?

  9. What’s the main difference between digital camera and old-fashioned camera?

  10. Is taking photos popular in your country?


  1. What do you do when you have a holiday?

  2. Do you prefer to spend a holiday at home or going out?

  3. Do people in your country do the similar kinds of things?

  4. Do you prefer to spend holidays with your family or with your friends?

  5. If you were on a holiday now, what would you do?

  6. Do people like to travel on holidays in your country?


  1. Do you know how to cook?

  2. Which meal do you prefer: breakfast, lunch or dinner?

  3. Is it important to eat breakfast?

  4. Do you prefer eat at home or eat out?

  5. Do you like to eat snacks?

  6. Do you usually eat your meals with your family?

  7. What is good about eating with family?

  8. What food do people usually eat?

  9. How have people’s eating habits changed over the years?


  1. What’s your favorite color?

  2. Are colors important to you?

  3. Were colors important to you when you were a child?

  4. Is color very important to you when you are buying clothes?

  5. Do you prefer dark colors or bright colors? Why or why not?

  6. If you could change the color of your wall in the home, what color would you choose?

  Primary school

  1. Can you describe your primary school?

  2. Was it far from your home?

  3. How did you go to your primary school?

  4. Do you remember the first day in your primary school?

  5. What do you like about that school?

  6. Would you say it is a good school?

  Weather and seasons

  1. What’s the weather like where you live?

  2. What season do you like best?

  3. What do you like to do in this season?

  4. What do you usually do in your favorite season?

  5. Do you like rainy weather?

  6. Do you prefer hot climate or cold climate?

  7. Do you think weather forecast is important to you?

  8. Would you say the climate where you live is suitable for people to live?

  9. Has the weather changed much in your country?


  1. What toys did you like to play with when you were a child?

  2. Did you play with those toys alone or with other children?

  3. What do you think you learned from playing with toys?

  4. How are toys played by girls different from toys played by boys?

  5. if you had children, what toys would you buy them?


  1. Do you spend birthday with your family?

  2. Who do you like to celebrate birthday with?

  3. How do you usually celebrate your birthday?

  4. Is it popular for people in your country to celebrate birthday in this way?

  5. How did you celebrate your birthday when you were a child?

  6. Do you prefer to celebrate birthday with your family or with your friends?

  7. Is it important to celebrate birthday in your country?

  8. Is certain age important or special to people in your country?


  1. Do you give people gifts?

  2. What kinds of gifts do you like to receive?

  3. Do you prefer receiving a gift or giving a gift?

  4. When was the last time you give or receive a gift?

  5. What sorts of gifts do you give to your family or friends?

  6. What gifts are popular in your country?

  7. Do you think it’s difficult to choose gifts?


  1. Do you like birds?

  2. What kinds of birds are there where you live?

  3. Are there many birds around your neighborhood?

  4. In your country, do birds have special meaning?

  5. Do you think we should protect birds?

  Painting and drawing

  1. Do you like painting or drawing?

  2. Have you ever learned drawing or painting when you were a child?

  3. Did you do painting or drawing when you were a child?

  4. Do you think it is important for children to learn how to paint?

  5. Why do children like to draw?

  6. What benefits do you think people get from painting or drawing?

  Animals and pets

  1. Do you like animals?

  2. Do you raise any animal as pet?

  3. What kinds of people do you think like to raise pets?

  4. Do you think pets are important?

  5. What was your favorite animal when you were a child?

  6. What do you think are the benefits of a child having a pet?


  1. Do you have a driver’s license?

  2. Do you have a car?

  3. How often do you drive it?

  4. Do you plan to buy a car in the future?

  5. What kind of car do you plan to buy?

  6. What kinds of car are popular in your country?


  1. Do you like flowers? Why or why not?

  2. What flowers do you like? Why?

  3. Do you prefer real flowers or plastic flowers?

  4. Are flowers important in your culture?

  5. On what occasions do people give or receive flowers?

  6. When was the last time you bought flowers for someone?

  7. Where do people usually buy flowers?

  8. Do flowers have special meaning in your country?

  9. Do people grow flowers at home?

  Time Management

  1. Are you good at organizing time?

  2. How do you usually organize your time?

  3. Do you think planning is important for time management?

  4. How do you feel if people are late?

  5. What excuse do you use when you are late?

  6. Why do you think some people pay to learn time management?

  7. Do you think children should learn to manage time?

  Clothes & Fashion

  1. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

  2. Do you like to wear fashionable clothes?

  3. How often do you go shopping for clothes?

  4. Do you read fashion magazine?

  5. How has your understanding of fashion changed over the years?

  6. Do you plan to buy any designer clothes?


  1. What do you think makes happiness?

  2. Do you think happiness is very important?

  3. What do you do to make yourself happy?

  4. What do you do to make people feel happy?

  5. Do you think money makes people happy?


  1. Have you ever been to a live concert?

  2. When was the last time you listened to / went to a concert?

  3. Would you like to go to a concert in the future?

  4. Do you prefer to watch a concert on TV or to attend a concert?

  5. Which would you prefer, to attend a concert of your favorite artist or to buy his or her CD?

  Part Two

  Describe a time when you were close to wild animals.

  You should say:

  When and where you were

  Who you were live

  What animals you were close to

  and explain how you felt about it.

  第三部分:animal conservation

  Describe a birthday celebration you enjoyed.

  You should say:

  whose birthday it was

  who was there with you

  what people / you did

  and explain why you enjoyed it.

  第三部分:importance of birthday, festival tradition

  Describe a street you are familiar with in your hometown.

  You should say:

  which street it is

  where it is

  what the street is like

  and explain how you feel about this street.

  第三部分:city development, community plan

  Describe a kind of physical exercise that is popular in your hometown.

  You should say:

  What it is

  when and where people do it

  how popular it is

  and explain why it is popular.

  第三部分:men vs. women in sports, outdoor vs. indoor, benefit of p.e.

  Describe an item of clothing or jewelry that you wear on special occasions.

  You should say:

  what the clothing / jewelry is

  where you bought it

  on what occasion you wear it

  and explain how people / you feel about it

  第三部分:traditional clothing in China, past vs. present

  Describe your favorite part of the day.

  You should say:

  when it is

  what you do during this time

  who is usually with you

  and explain why it is your favorite part of the day.

  第三部分:time management, balance your life

  Describe an interesting old person you like to talk to.

  You should say:

  who he/she is

  how often you see him/her

  how you knew him/her

  and explain why you think he/she is interesting.

  第三部分:generation gap, aging problem

  Describe a vehicle you would like to buy (or own)

  You should say:

  what vehicle it is

  what it's like

  how you would buy it

  and explain why would like to buy it.

  第三部分:vehicle safety, future development of vehicle

  Describe an occasion when you had to be polite.

  You should say:

  What the occasion was

  Where you were

  Who was with you

  And explain why you had to be polite

  第三部份:polite person vs. friendly person

  Describe an important event in the history of your country.

  You should say:

  What event it was

  When it occurred

  How you know about it

  And explain why you think it was important.

  第三部份:history, museum

  Describe an activity you did that was new or exciting.

  You should say:

  What you did

  When and where you did it

  Who you did it with

  And explain why this activity was new or exciting for you.

  第三部份:extreme sports

  Describe your first day at school, university or work.

  You should say:

  Where you were

  Who were with you

  What happened

  And explain how you felt on that day.

  第三部份:how young people start their life, new challenges

  Describe a character in a TV program or a film.

  You should say:

  What is the character

  What this character does

  What kind of person this character is

  And explain how you feel about this character.

  第三部份:the influence of TV or film character

  Describe a situation that made you laugh.

  You should say:

  What the situation was

  When it happened

  Who was with you

  And explain why you laughed.

  第三部份:comedy and humor

  Describe a family photograph you like.

  You should say:

  Who were in the photo

  When and where it was taken

  Who took the photo

  And explain why you like it.

  第三部份:technology for photography

  Describe a special toy you had when you were a child.

  You should say:

  What it looked like

  When you got it

  Who gave it to you

  And explain why it was special to you.

  第三部份:how playing toys benefit children, toys in the future

  Describe one of the members of your family who had an interesting life.

  You should say:

  Who he or she was

  What is your relationship

  How you know about his or her life

  And explain what was interesting about his or her life.

  第三部份:how to preserve family history

  Describe a time when you received money as a gift.

  You should say:

  Who gave it to you

  What the occasion was

  What you did with the money

  And explain how you felt.

  第三部份:the importance of money

  Describe a leader you admire.

  You should say:

  Who this person is

  How you knew this person

  What this person does

  And explain why you admire this person.

  第三部份:leader's essential quality / the importance of having a leader in a company

  Describe an important city in your country.

  You should say:

  What city it is

  Where it is

  How you know it

  And explain why it is important.

  第三部份:urban/rural differences, urbanization

  Describe your dream job as a child.

  You should say:

  What job it was

  How you knew it

  What you knew about it

  And explain why it was your dream job.

  第三部份:career development / job satisfaction

  Describe a trip you went on in your childhood.

  You should say:

  Where you went

  How long the trip took

  Who you went with

  And explain why you remember this trip.

  第三部份:long-distance trip / the development of tourism

  Describe a famous person in your country who has influenced you.

  You should say:

  How you knew this person

  What made him or her famous

  What achievements he or she had

  And explain how this person influenced you.

  第三部份:influence of famous people, pros and cons of being famous

  Describe a situation you were congratulated.

  You should say:

  What the situation was

  Who were there to congratulate you

  Why you were congratulated

  And explain how you felt about it.

  第三部分:different stages of life / success and achievement / competition

  Describe a child you know.

  You should say:

  How you know him or her

  What kind of person he or she is

  What you know about this child

  And explain how you feel about this child.

  第三部份:children vs. teenager, upbringing of a child, one child policy

  Describe a couple who you think have a happy marriage.

  You should say:

  Who they are

  How long they have been married

  How they live their lives

  And explain why you think they are happily married.

  第三部份:the art of marriage, role of husband and wife

  Describe a famous modern building or monument in your country.

  You should say:

  Where it is

  What it looks like

  Who visit it

  And explain how you feel about it.

  第三部分:how to preserve historic buildings, importance of monument

  Describe an outdoor place you like to go to relax.

  You should say:

  When and where you go

  What it is like

  What you do there

  And explain why you like to go there to relax.

  第三部分:stress management, how to balance life

  Describe a time when someone helped you.

  You should say:

  Who helped you

  When and where things happened

  How you were helped

  And explain how you felt about it.

  第三部份:altruism (unselfishness) , education, international aids

  Describe a place of natural beauty.

  You should say:

  Where it was

  When you went there

  What you saw there

  And explain how you felt about it.

  第三部份:environment protection, tourism

  Describe a work of art you have seen (a painting or sculpture)

  You should say:

  When and where you saw it

  What it looked like

  Who made it

  And explain how you felt about it.

  第三部份:art education, art and daily life

  Describe a foreign culture you are interested in.

  You should say:

  What this culture is

  How you knew about this culture

  What you know about this culture

  And explain why you are interested in it.

  第三部份:culture shock

  Describe a useful website you like to visit.

  You should say:

  What website it is

  How you knew it

  How often you visit it

  And explain why it is useful.

  第三部分:distance learning

  Describe a group activity you took part in (at school, university or work).

  You should say:

  What the activity was

  Who was with you

  How you took part in it

  And explain how felt about being part of the group.

  第三部份:team spirit

  Describe a small business you would like to own.

  You should say:

  What business you would like to own

  What made you want to own it

  How you would like to start it

  And explain why you would like to own this business.

  第三部份:self employment vs. working for others

  Describe a difficult thing you did well.

  You should say:

  What it was

  How you did it

  Who were with you

  And explain how you felt after you did it.

  第三部份:past vs. present, difficulty and ambition

  Describe a science subject you studied in high school.

  You should say:

  What subject it was

  Who taught this subject

  How you did in this subject

  And explain how you felt about this subject.

  第三部分:science education, science in daily life

  Describe your favorite weather.

  You should say:

  What kind of weather it is

  What you usually do

  How it affects your feelings

  And explain why it is your favorite weather.

  第三部份:natural disaster / climate change

  Describe a recent change to your hometown.

  You should say:

  Where is the change

  How it has changed

  What it used to be like

  And explain how you feel about the change.

  第三部分:city plan / positive change vs. negative change

  Describe a popular band or musician in your country.

  You should say:

  Who they are

  What kind of music they perform

  How you knew them

  And explain why you think they are popular.

  第三部份:copyright vs. piracy, music and culture

  Describe something expensive you would buy if you had a lot of money.

  You should say:

  What you would buy

  How much it would cost

  What you would do with it

  And explain why you would buy it.

  第三部份:money and happiness / wealth and social status / materialism

  Describe a song which you heard in a particular time.

  You should say:

  What was the name of the song

  What was the song about

  When was the particular time that you heard the song

  And explain how you felt about the song at that time.

  第三部份:music and culture

  Describe a book you read at least twice.

  You should say:

  What book it was

  What the book was about

  When was the first time and the second time you read it

  And explain why you read it more than once.

  第三部份:new way of reading – the Internet, Ipad

  Describe an advertisement you think is successful.

  You should say:

  When and where you saw or heard it

  What kind of advertisement it was

  What the advertisement was about

  And explain how you felt about it.

  第三部份:the impact of advertisement

  Describe a place near water that you enjoyed visiting.

  You should say:

  Where it was

  What you did there

  Who you went there with

  And explain why you liked this place.

  第三部分:water resource, water pollution, place of natural beauty with water






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