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雅思口语Part 2:这家健身房的会员太贵啦!

2022-08-15 10:40     作者 :    





最近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe a time you visited a new place”。我是一个非常喜欢健身的人,几个月前,我搬了新家,搬家后第1件事,就是去寻找新家附近合适的健身房。我对健身房的要求,除了要环境好,也得有我长练的器械,幸运的是,我找到了符合要求的健身房,具体情况如何,咱们一起来聊一聊吧!



本期Part 2 话题

Describe a time you visited a new place 

You should say: 

Where the new place is 

When you went there 

Why you went there 

And explain how you feel about the place


第九季 Episode 31



Since I moved to a new apartment several months ago, I have been looking for a new gym to join. Because of the pandemic, many of gyms have closed down especially the big ones that are open to public. So what is left is pretty much studios which means you have to pay for private classes with trainers then you can use the facility. 

So I checked out some pictures online and found this studio that looks pretty decent and clean. I made an appointment with them because it is super close to my apartment, which is like a 5min walk.

I went there in the afternoon so that they can show me around. it is not a very big studio but they have everything I need especially the squat rack. The reason I need a squat rack is because one of the most important exercise I want to focus on is heavy squats and it is very difficult to do at home.  

I felt the place is great, the staffs are very friendly but the a little pricey. They charge 400/hr for private lessons but also you have to take at least one lesson per week or they will expire. I asked them if they could offer me a monthly membership because I am quite fit and don’t need that many private lessons. But they flat out refused my offer so I ended up signing with another gym that offers a monthly membership card for 260 yuan per month.

Words & expressions in this episode

1.facility n. 设施;设备;特色;天赋

2.decent adj. 得体的;像样的;合宜的

3.flat out 竭尽全力;全力以赴

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