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雅思口语考试高频话题Part 2:我可爱的侄女!

2023-07-17 10:05     作者 :    


最近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child.”。这个话题令我想起了上个月在一次家庭聚会上,我和我可爱的侄女一起度过的温馨时刻。她是一个非常可爱的四岁小孩,对生活充满了热情,这种热情感染到我。此外,她喜欢参与各种活动,充满了想象力和好奇心,我非常喜欢跟她待在一起。
本期Part 2 话题
Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child.
You should say:
Who this child was
When you spent time with this child
What you did together
And how you felt about it
第十季 Episode 27
I vividly recall a heartwarming occasion when I spent time with my adorable niece during a family gathering last month. She is a delightful four-year-old with an infectious enthusiasm for life, and our time together was truly memorable.
My niece and I engaged in various activities that sparked her curiosity and imagination. We began by playing a game of hide-and-seek, which brought bursts of laughter and joy. It was a delight to witness her excitement as she scurried around, attempting to find the perfect hiding spot, and the sheer happiness that enveloped her face when she discovered my hiding place.
Following our game, we ventured into the realm of arts and crafts. I introduced her to painting, and together, we embarked on a colorful journey. Watching her tiny fingers carefully dip into the paint palette and create vibrant strokes on the canvas was a sight to behold. Her artistic expression and eagerness to explore different colors and techniques amazed me. The pride she exhibited when showcasing her masterpiece brought immeasurable joy to both of us.
As the day progressed, we sat down to read a collection of captivating children's stories. Seeing her eyes light up with wonder and anticipation as I narrated the tales filled my heart with warmth. It was a remarkable experience to witness her imagination take flight and witness her enthusiasm for learning through storytelling.
What made this occasion truly special was the genuine connection we established. The innocence of a child's emotions create an atmosphere of pure bliss. Our conversations, filled with exciting and imaginative tales, fostered a bond that transcended age and left me with memories that I will cherish for many years to come.
Words & expressions in this episode
1. occasion n. 场合;时刻
2. realm n. 领域;范围
3. immeasurable adj. 无法计量的;无限的
4. bliss n. 极乐;狂喜;幸福无比


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