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2013-03-06 09:55     作者 :    


A类Task 1

图表类型 流程图
作文题目 The chart shows how rainwater is collected for use as drinking water in an Australian town.
要素回忆 详见下图。


1、注意表示时间的连接词的使用。不要总是使用first, second, finally这样的低级连接词,更不要用firstly, secondly这种在大作文中使用的列举连接词。

2、 使用被动语态。不要使用动词开头的句型(祈使句)。

3、注意一些专门动词的使用。例如:收集collect,流动flow, 流入run into,倒入pour into,过滤filter,净化purify,用泵抽pump等。


类似真题 玻璃瓶子的回收(2006年、2009年真题)

  A类Task 2

作文题目 It has been observed that in many countries not enough students are choosing to study science subjects at university. What do you think are the causes of the problem? What are the effects on society?
题目翻译 据观察,在很多国家,在大学里选择理科的学生不多。你认为导致这种问题的原因是什么?这对社会有什么样的影响?
话题分类 教育类
题型类别 Report(原因+影响)
是否旧题 新题
话题分析 很多同学把science subjects理解成了“科学科目”,其实这里的science subjects就是我们通常所说的“理科”。
类似话题 In schools and universities, girls tend to choose arts subjects, while boys choose science subjects. What is the reason? Should the trend be changed? (110728)




1、论点:中学里教条式的教学方法dogmatic teaching approach扼杀学生对理科的学习兴趣stifle students’ interest/ passion towards science subjects
论据:中学教师通常只是照本宣科地灌输理论知识和公式,而不是通过激发学生的兴趣来帮助学生学习科学理论。School teachers usually instill/ inculcate/ force-feed pre-digested theoretical knowledge and formulae into/to students, rather than inspiring their craving mind through experimentation and observation.

2、论点:相对于其他专业人士,科学家的收入和社会地位不高。Scientists do not enjoy a high social status and a decent income compared with other professionals. 社会公众对科学家往往没有好感。Studies report that the general public does not generally have positive feelings toward science and scientists.
论据:相反,那些赚大钱的往往是那些金融家,企业家。On the contrary, it is often bankers and entrepreneurs who earn the highest income. 有些学生,特别是出生在贫困家庭的孩子往往会因为这些社会现实而改变专业选择。Therefore, these social facts often have a huge influence on children’s choice of majors, especially those from poor family backgrounds.  


1、学习理科的人数量减少将会直接导致未来科学家的减少,从而导致人类很多领域很难取得进步。The decrease of science students will directly lead to the reduction in the number of scientists, which may slow down the progress in various fields such as genetic engineering, global warming, animal extinction and the finding of vaccines.

2、论点:缺乏理科教育的学生将很难拥有批判性思维能力,此外也会影响他们对于其它科目的研究。In addition, Students without science education are less likely to form critical thinking ability, which will have a negative influence on their studies on other subjects.
论据:Science is a way of knowing and understanding through the exercise of reason, a construction of the mind based on actual observation to explain natural phenomena. The mental discipline and rational approach of "the scientific method" have been successfully adopted in many other disciplines, such as business, law, the social sciences, and others. People use the methods and principles of scientific thinking in everyday life, such as when studying history or literature, investigating societies or governments, seeking solutions to problems of economics or philosophy, or just trying to answer personal questions about oneself or the meaning of existence.

3、论点:这对于未来人们对科学的态度也会产生不利影响,从而进一步阻碍科技发展。Moreover, this phenomenon may also negatively affect people’s attitudes toward science, which may inhibit the scientific advancement in the future.
论据:Since non-science majors are potential lawyers, presidents and managers of companies, politicians, and civic leaders, they will influence how research and development funds are spent, how scientific discoveries and technological innovations are implemented, and how scientific evidence is used in courts and other social organizations. The future of our society will be determined by citizens who are able to understand and help shape the complex influences of science and technology on our world.
结论段:It is therefore in the interests of society, and the responsibility of educators, to encourage more students to learn science subjects and to prepare students to live in a highly scientific and technological society. It is highly suggested that more funds should be allocated on scientific research and university students who study science.


Improving Students’ Attitude Toward Science Through Blended Learning

Farahnaz Movahedzadeh, Ph.D., Department of Biological Sciences, Harold Washington Collegehttp://seceij.net/seceij/summer11/movahedzadeh_im.html 


学生不愿意选择理科的原因Several reasons have been suggested for these negative attitudes including students' undesirable experiences in previous science courses and with instructors, lack of needed skills to learn and apply scientific concepts, lack of motivation to work hard in science classes, home backgrounds, school and classroom environments, biases of peer groups, the media's portrayal of scientists, and students' perceptions of rewards associated with learning, to name a few (Rogers and Ford 1997).

 The way science is taught, both at the high school and college level, also plays a major role in shaping students' attitudes toward science. According to a study by Cherif and Wideen (1992), which addresses the question of whether a problem exists for science students moving from high school to the university, students are being presented with selected aspects of scientific dogma at the high school and university levels rather than being taught the innovative and visionary character of science and the value that such knowledge has to the educational process. Some of the students in this study reported that they were confused because the information they learned in college contradicted the information they gained in their high school science classes. As the study concluded, this dogmatic approach to teaching science, coupled with the drastic cultural changes that students undergo as they transition from high school to college, affect students' attitudes toward and performance in college-level science courses.

对社会造成的影响(其实就是学习理科的好处)Regardless of one's major or profession, science plays an enormous role in everyone's life. From discovering cures for diseases, to creating innovative technologies, to teaching us how to think critically, science has become an indispensable feature of modern society. Controversial issues such as global warming, evolution, vaccination, HIV/AIDS, and the right to one's own DNA information are only a few of the issues being debated. Biology in particular has generated its share of controversies, including evolution, cloning and genetic engineering, global warming, premature species extinction, animal rights and animal suffering, human overpopulation, and the right to determine the timing and means of one's own death, to name a few (Leonard, 2010).

Scientific discoveries shape the way we view the world and influence our decisions. Indeed, as reported in Discover (2010, 1) magazine, the scientific discoveries in the last thirty years have "touched nearly every aspect of our daily lives." Science teaches people how to think critically about not just scientific subjects, but all subjects. As Schafersman (1994; 1997) explains, the scientific method has proven to be "the most reliable and successful method of thinking that "results in the acquisition of reliable knowledge" (1997, ¶ 2), and therefore scientific thinking can and should be used in other human endeavors. People use the methods and principles of scientific thinking in everyday life, such as "when studying history or literature, investigating societies or governments, seeking solutions to problems of economics or philosophy, or just trying to answer personal questions about oneself or the meaning of existence" (Schafersman, 1994; 1997, ¶ 4). In short, whether we are aware of it or not, science is an integral part of our lives—even if we are non-science majors. 

Since non-science majors are potential lawyers, presidents and managers of companies, politicians, and civic leaders, they will influence how research and development funds are spent, how scientific discoveries and technological innovations are implemented, and how scientific evidence is used in courts and other social organizations. An appreciation of science may provide a positive influence on these decisions (Rogers and Ford, 1997).

In addition, a positive attitude toward science may improve students' academic performance in not only science classes, but in other classes as well. Why should this be so? Science is a way of knowing and understanding through the exercise of reason, a construction of the mind based on actual observation to explain natural phenomena. Science, by choice, "is limited to questions that can be approached by the use of reason, questions that can be answered by the discovery of objective knowledge and the elucidation of natural laws of causation" (Futuyma 1983, 170). The practice of the discovery of objective knowledge involves observation of events (or the acquisition of data), followed by inference regarding possible causes (forming alternative hypotheses), and, finally, testing to select the best explanations (Cherif et al. 2001; Moore 1993). The mental discipline and rational approach of "the scientific method" have been successfully adopted in many other disciplines, such as business, law, the social sciences, and others.


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