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2020-04-16 20:24     作者 :    






  考生A - 成绩:6.5 分

  Examiner comments 考官评语:

  The candidate is able to keep speaking, with only occasional, short hesitations to search for words or reformulate a sentence.  He uses a range of cohesive devices (you know; and beside that; another thing is that) effectively, and his answer is always coherent.  He demonstrates a range of vocabulary, including some less common words (streamlined shape; reverse cone) and uses some natural-sounding collocations (from step to step; it was really impressive).  There is an occasional inappropriate choice of phrase (out of the box of normal design; the process of the designing), and he sometimes omits a word (one of this building should be one PART of this building), but the meaning that he is trying to convey is still apparent. There are some occasional, minor grammatical errors, for example with dropped articles (it’s not like normal building) and verb tense (I didn’t initially saw it) but these errors do not interfere with the comprehensibility of his response, and his control of grammar is generally quite good.  His pronunciation is generally clear thoughcontrol of intonation is mixed. Certain slips in pronunciation cause occasional loss of clarity (For example, he pronounces the words sketch/sketching as scratch/scratching.  He also pronounces the TH sound in thatas dat, and the way he says the word explanation is not very clear).

  该考生整体表达较流畅,为了选词或重述某句话偶尔出现短暂停顿。考生有效运用了许多衔接性的表达(如you know; and beside that; another thing is that),逻辑清晰连贯。考生词汇量丰富运用了一些非常见词汇(如streamlined shape; reverse cone )和比较自然的惯用搭配(如from step to step; it was really impressive )。个别短语搭配不当(如out of the box of normal design; the process of the designing ),有的地方出现了漏词(如one PART of thisbuilding说成了one of this building ),不过意思表达仍然比较清晰。考生出现了几处小的语法错误,例如缺失冠词(如it’s not like normal building )、动词时态错误(如I didn’t initially saw it ),但这些小错并未影响考生回答的完整性和可理解性,而且考生对语法的掌握整体上非常好。考生对语调的控制不够稳定但其发音整体上比较清晰。个别地方出现了吞音现象,导致意思表达不清晰(如将sketch/sketching 读成了scratch/scratching )。考生还将单词that中的“TH”读成了dat中的音。此外,考生对单词explanation的发音也不是很清晰。

  In this part, thecandidate’s performance reaches 6.5.


  考生B - 成绩:7分

  Examiner comments 考官评语:

  The candidate speaks at length without noticeable effort. Any hesitations are minimal (It was a red…building). She also uses a range of connectives and discourse markers to connect her ideas. Some of these connectives are quite common (and; so) but they are used smoothly, and she also uses less common connectives (Right above (this courtyard); on the highest floor). She uses vocabulary flexibly, showing evidence of an ability to easily switch to less common vocabulary (arch; elegant; transparent roof). There are also examples of effective paraphrasing. There is some inappropriate use of vocabulary (awarded buildings in my province), but she shows a wide enough range of vocabulary to be a band 7. She also demonstrates a wide range of grammar with only very occasional inaccuracies (The one thing special about this building is they have this big arch in front of the steps of the library; When you walk into the door of this library, you’ll see this courtyard). There are some inaccuracies, like mixing different tenses (It was a red building that is made of bricks). She shows a wide range of pronunciation features, like stress and intonation. There is some evidence of her L1 accent (Chinese) but it doesn’t really affect her ability to be understood. There are some small issues that would prevent her from getting 8 (For example, the pronunciation of the word friends sounds a little bit like freends).

  该考生可以不费力地给出详尽的答案,偶尔出现停顿的地方也不是很明显(如It was a red…building )。为了使逻辑更清晰,考生运用了许多连接词和话语标记词,其中包括一些十分常见的连接词(如and; so )——用得非常顺畅,也有很多非常见的连接词(如Right above (this courtyard); on the highest floor )。考生词汇运用灵活,能够轻松使用非常见词汇(如arch; elegant; transparent roof )。此外,考生还有效运用了改述技巧。虽然有些词汇运用不当(如awarded buildings in my province ),但考生的词汇量十分丰富,已达到7分的标准。考生的语法知识十分丰富,仅有个别地方语法不准确(如The one thing special about this building is they have this big arch in front of the steps of the library; When you walk into the door of this library, you’ll see this courtyard ),如时态混用(It was a red building that is made of bricks)。考生运用了很多发音技巧,如重音和重读,虽然有的地方带有口音(中国人),但这并未影响考生清晰表达自己的意思。考生未能达到8分标准,因为仍有一些小问题需要注意(如单词friends的发音有点像freends )。

  This candidate is a clear example of a Band 7 (and possibly Band 8 for pronunciation).

  该考生是雅思口语 7 分(发音部分或达到 8 分标准)的一个典型例子。

  考生C - 成绩:7分

  Examiner comments 考官评语:

  This candidate is able to speak at length without loss of coherence. Although some hesitations and reformulations occur, there is not much repetition across his long turn. He sequences the information appropriately and links ideas using a range of discourse markers. He also uses a range of vocabulary, including less common items (legend; background; inspired; creativity; style), with some flexibility and awareness of collocation (a pop icon; fight for their rights). Although there are inappropriate word choices, these do not impede comprehension and the range lifts the rating to a higher band. He also uses a range of complex structures and embedded clauses, with some flexibility.Although his tenses are not always accurate in this part, error-free structures are still frequent. He has a strong accent and regularly produces ‘f’ for ‘th’. In this part of the test, however, he only mispronounces individual words ( leegend; founds for funds), and although his stress patterns are sometimes distorted by intrusive fillers (ehm), his speech is generally clear.

  该考生能够详细回答考官的问题,而且表达连贯。考生在某些地方出现了迟疑停顿或重述的问题,但其在长时间的持续性表述中没有出现过多重复。考生的信息表述逻辑合理,能够运用多种话语标志词衔接自己的观点。此外,考生还灵活运用了大量词汇,其中包括许多非常见词汇(如legend; background; inspired; creativity; style ),而且搭配恰当(如a pop icon; fight for their rights)。虽然该考生有时用词不当,但这并未妨碍考官的理解,而且考生的词汇量丰富,使其进入更高一级的分数段。考生还灵活运用了很多复杂句式和插入性从句。虽然在这部分考试中,考生在时态运用方面有时会出错,但其大部分句子都准确无误。考生的口音较重,经常混淆“ f ”和“th ”的发音,但在这部分考试中,他仅有个别单词发音不准确(如将legend读成legend,将funds读成founds)。虽然考生在重读句中某些单词时会突然插入一些停顿小词(如ehm ),但其表达整体上还是比较清晰。

  This is a good example of a Band 7 speaker.

  该考生是雅思口语7 分的一个典型例子。

  Developed by British Council East Asia Assessment Solutions Team



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