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首页 > SAT > SAT资讯 > SAT物理 > SAT物理学常见公式有哪些?


2020-02-14 13:53     作者 :    


<p style="box-sizing:border-box;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:15px;padding:0px;line-height:30px;font-size:16px;color:#333333;font-family:" letter-spacing:0.5px;white-space:normal;"="">下面为大家整理的是关于SAT2物理公式的总结,重点放在了力学,光学和电磁学三个方面。掌握SAT2物理公式是大家解答各类题目的前提条件,不仅仅要记住,还要对公式的用法了然于心才可以。


Heat added or emoved: Q = m·c·ΔT

Change in Internal Energy: ΔU = Q - W

Boyle's Law: P1V1 = P2V2

Charles's Law: V1/T1 = V2/T2

Efficiency of a heat engine(%): E = (W/Qhot)·100


Snell's Law: n1·sin(θ1) = n2·sin(θ2)

Wave speed: v = λ·f

Velocity of light: v = c/n

Magnification: m = -di/do

Law of Reflection: θreflection = θincidence

Mirror and lens equation: 1/d1 + 1/d1 = 1/f


Electric Fields and Forces Formulas

Coulomb's Law: F = k·q1·q1/r2

Electric field of a charge q: E = k·q/r2

Work done by electric field: W = q·E·d

Electric field between two metallic plates: E = V/d

DC Circuits Formulas

Ohm's Law: V = I·R

Power dissipated in a resistor: P = I·V = V2/R = R·I2

Resistance: R = ρ·l/A

Equivalent resistance of series resistors: Rs = R1 + R2 +...

Equivalent resistance of parallel resistors: 1/Rp = 1/R1 + 1/R2 +...

Equivalent capacitance of series capacitors: 1/Cs = 1/C1 + 1/C2 +...

Equivalent capacitance of parallel capacitors: Cp = C1 + C2 +...

Magnetic Fields and Forces Formulas

Magnetic force on a moving charge: F = q(v x B) = q·v·B·sin(θ)

Magnetic force on a current carrying wire: F = I·l·B·sin(θ)

Magnetic field created by a current: B = (μo/2π)·(I/r)

Faraday's Law: E = -dΦ/dt=  


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