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2013-06-24 17:10     供稿单位: 新航道    

出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别






  Section 1

  主题:对话女的sister want to sleep in her dormitory one week,but 对话男 has no rights。

  内容:对话讲的是a woman去找one teacher,希望他在application form上sign his name。The woman's sister下周想要来visit her university,并且her sister 和roommates也都认识,她们agree让her sister在宿舍stay one week。But dormitory administrator say根据规定one week 时间超出了规定,规定only six days必须得到the teacher's agree。The teacher suggest her sister attend 学校的一个项目,该项目专为接待有可能申请该大学的高中生,时间是next month。The woman says that her sister只有next week有时间,老师又继续说let the woman attend这个项目作为host,这将represent her university,这样会让the woman对学校有更强烈的belonging。The woman又绕回了能否帮她signature这个问题,男的very entanglements,但想到既然her sister 有可能apply her university,so he agreed。

  核心词汇:visit、one week、signature、

  相关考题:(1) 为什么the teacher let the woman 作为这个项目的host?

  Answer:可以introduce her university。

  Section 2


  内容:讲了有两种geology:physical geology and historical geology。physical geology告诉你地球怎么运转,基本常识等,是研究history geology 的基础。然后文章中说到了Aristotle,说Aristotle虽然是the first one observe nature并解释了many现象但是很多都wrong,由于没有科学的概念和公式,他有一些opinions比如说the earthquake 他觉得是the centre of the earth 的大火球在burn something,found the fossil of fish。结果以为有motionless fish 存在。近代个关于the book of geology basis是Hector's写的,提出自然界regular pattern not changed,the same as before,因此开展了geology,因为这个观念虽然之前很popular但没有被正式提put forward and accept。这时有one student ask his teacher:为什么这人这么厉害但have no frame老师说因为他写的文章hard to understand that nobody can know it,一直到his friend John结合了他自己的一些心得,use simple way to rewrite his book,于是这个观念就广为人知了。



  Section 3

  主题:business management

  内容:本文主要讲了business management。One shop 经营好的关键点是要给consumer 一种 image of your company. 当你想到businessman 为了得到consumer's favor,通常采用two kinds strategies:High price, high quality or low price, low quality. 但是 那些 moderate price, moderate quality 的定价策略反而没用。反而那些high price, high quality or low price, low quality.的businessman 更加有利可图。 关键点是要给消费者一种 image of your company and let yourself stand out. uniqueness非常重要。professor举了一个例子说有个retailer, 采用low price but moderate quality 策略,销售量很多消费者like that。但是最近又开了几家branch 商品是 high price high quality。Professor ask the student:你猜result会怎么样? 男同学说:他们可能没有以前那么多consumers了,教授agree他说的。


  相关考题:(1)professor 同意男学生的观点吗?

  Answer: Agreed

  Section 4


  内容:讲一个student和teacher开始的时候谈the Greek drama,the Greek drama特别之处在于only one 现存的ancient drama是以当时社会事件作为background,也许会有others but lost。然后student tells his teacher he does not like it,但是teacher next week要讲它,the teacher fells sorry,the teacher tells him他们会提前看一遍,而且这是syllabus里的东西,你一定要来,syllabus 里面有supertitle。student tells he does not like it and the main reason is语言不通,teacher说你不是看过XX戏剧吗?学生说:看过它是俄罗斯语的,一开始do not like后来就like it。(有重听题,问你学生这话啥意思,意思是他也可能喜欢上那个GREEK的戏剧)


  相关考题:(1) 重听题:文章黑体部分的话语是什么意思?

  Answer:The student may like the Greek drama.

  Section 5

  主题:Children's literature

  内容:讲了一个writer兼painter,开始创作的时候have no fame,因为the book looks like comic太娱乐不适合children's education,由于对children's literature的contribution, the writer 拿到了Pulitzer prize.他的书里面的people look the same,the animals can speak and smart。里面讲到another writer, In his book, he says词汇太简单不可能写出good article,他听了以后inspired,然后write a book,用的就是最简单的vocabulary,叫做the cat in the hat.书里用简vocabulary造出much good scene,让children进行moral思考,很厉害,professor很佩服。


  相关考题:(1) What is the relationship of the two writers?

  Answer: have no relation

  Section 6


  内容:这篇文章讲的是the start time of the plate motion。There are two kinds of time:一种是late theory,一种是early theory。Each theory has its advantage and disadvantage:the late theory说有种blue石头,必须在low temperature、high pressure下生成,一般在海底下层的岩石,那里low temperature and high pressure,它可以show地壳运动的痕迹,但是2billion之前的这种石头can't find,说明板块运动没那么早,但disadvantage是没找到不一定no have,可能原来有后来被erosion了,所以不能说没找到就代表地球在1billion以后才运动...,或者another reason是那个时候地球很hot,不能形成这种岩石(忘了,重听题有题,教授为什么这么说?说教授觉得这个理论并不convincing);

  Early theory说有种zircon grain形成很complex,存在的time也very long,然后说到了现在找到了一个4billion年的zircon,反驳是other lands上也发现过之类的。

  核心词汇:late theory、early theory

  相关考题:(1) Blue tone 在什么条件下生成?(双选题)

  Answer: low temperature、high pressure

  (2) Why professor refuted the second reason?

  Answer: professor认为这个理论not convincing

