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2013-06-28 15:50     供稿单位: 新航道    

出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别






  Task 1



  Reading: (1)Native American造的,依据是有记录显示他们造过类似的东西;(2)地震,依据是有mound的地方土很松(地震产生的震动把loose soil震到地面了);(3)一种老鼠(pocket gopher)挖的,用来build nest


  Task 2


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The main role of a university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.

  参考文章:Universities are places where foundations of academic study are cultivated and it is no question that professors play an important role in the education quality at the university. Among the tasks that professors undertake every day, researching and teaching activities take up most of their time. Some people would say that professors should focus more on teaching than research. I disagree. I believe that in order to enrich the learning experience of college students, a professor should focus a significant amount of time on his or her research.

  There are many ways that a professor can teach his or her students. The primary way is through courses and lectures; however a professor's research can also serve as a learning opportunity for the students. My father is a biology professor. In addition to teaching a full load of courses, he makes sure to devote at least half of his working hours to his research. Every semester he hires students to help him conduct his research. These students also get opportunities to develop their own experiments within my father's research. By the end of the year, my father helps his students write and publish their findings. Not only do his students get practical experience in researching their field of study, but they also come away with published research. These publications help make my dad's students more competitive when applying to graduate school.

  In addition, in order to remain at the top of their field, professors are required to continue expanding their research. This requirement helps professors remain abreast of the latest research and information in their respective fields, making them more competent and knowledgeable teachers. If professors slack on their own research, they run the risk of passing on faulty or out-of-date information on to their students. However, professors who through their research remain at the top of their field, bring more prestige to their universities.

  Admittedly, there are some instances where professors become to absorbed in their own research and neglect their students entirely. I know of several professors at my father's university who spend their entire time on research and have their teacher's assistants teach the majority of their classes. Some of those professors also do not even try and include students in their research. As a result, these professors have little to no contact with their students. In those cases, the students generally complain and the school deans typically step in and rectify the situation. After all, the professor is being paid to teach the students.

  While there are some outstanding circumstances, a professor should be allowed to devote a significant amount of time to his or her individual research. Through this research more and better opportunities for learning can then be offered to students. There must however be a balance between the two, and a professor should remember to keep the education of students high on his or her list of priorities.

