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2013-12-11 14:45     供稿单位: 新航道    

出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别

132. If you could invent something new, what product would you develop?

If you could invent something new, what product would you develop? Use specific details to explain why

this invention is needed.




The world today is moving at a faster and faster pace. An invention that would be exceptionally useful for the

human race would be an intelligent humanoid robot.

On a daily basis, millions of people in China perform tasks which are exceedingly tedious, and are a tragic

waste of the abilities of these people. Tasks such as house cleaning, street cleaning, some types of farming, some

factory work, toll booths and a multitude of other jobs would be performed just as easily by a robot as by a man. In

some cases, robots could potentially outperform man because they would not need to rest. They could perform

these simple tasks at a rapid speed, and therefore would be a significant advantage in some manual labor jobs.

Other tasks that people perform are incredibly dangerous, and often cause life long injuries, or much worse as

to kill people. If these types of jobs were performed by machines, there would be far fewer work-related injuries and

deaths. A prime example is deep sea welding on oil platforms. Every year there are many deaths of workers who

hold this dangerous position. In addition, because it is such a high-stress job, the worker's lives are often shortened

because of inability to cope. As machines obviously do not feel emotional stress, they would perform hundreds of

times better than men do in these types of situations.

Humanoid robots would also more efficiently perform complex jobs such as surgeries and manufacturing

high-tech materials. For example, eye surgeries and brain surgeries require a very steady, careful hand, and an

intensely varied knowledge of the human anatomy. A robot could be programmed to complete such surgeries

flawlessly. Manufacturing high-tech materials is very complex, as it involves many intricate mathematical

problems. A robot could be programmed to perform calculations in seconds that would take a man hours or days to


Therefore, I think an intelligent humanoid robot would be incredibly beneficial to the human race, although

many of the tasks it performs would need to be supervised by a person, and some tasks would be impossible to

perform for a robot.

以上就是新航道托福频道为大家整理的托福写作185题库之第132题范文,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问新航道托福写作频道 https://www.xhd.cn/toefl/xiezuo/