

托福 (TOEFL)



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2015-03-03 15:46     供稿单位: 新航道    

出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别


  Task1 – If you were asked to do community service, which of the following activities do you like to choose and why? ①Help children with their homework. ②Teach adults how you use computer. ③Clean the community park.

  Sample Response:

  Well, if I were to do some community service, I would definitely choose to help teaching kids. The main reason is that I am majored in education and I already have the experience of helping children with their homework when I worked in a training school last summer. And I got plenty of professional knowledge in teaching from teachers work there, such as how to manage the classroom or how to correct kids when they misbehave. Also, compared with teaching kids, I don’t think I’m competent to do the rest two activities since I find myself a little bit dumb in dealing with all digital devices including computer and I don’t really even know to use cleaning machines such as vacuum cleaner cuz I seldom do housework at home.


  Task2 – Some people prefer a job dealing with different tasks, while others prefer a job dealing with tasks following the routine and predictable. Which do you prefer and why?

  Sample Response:

  Compared with the job dealing with the predictable tasks, I definitely prefer the one that requires me to deal with different tasks everyday. This is due to the fact that I am a person who is always willing to meet challenges in work and I believe that only if you are capable to address unpredictable problems can you be different with the rest members in your work place. And I think it is necessary for young people including myself to develop the flexibility and innovation by coping with various tasks, whether you wish to be a successful leader a qualified group member. On the other hand, it’s would be so boring to do the tedious work everyday, I think it will kill me if I work like that. When the tasks are following the routine, I’m sure it will be the time for me to change my job.

