
2011-12-29 00:00     供稿单位: 互联网    

出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别

    Given the choice, a female lion is more likely to be attracted to a shaggy male from Chicago than a well-groomed guy from Houston.













    Given the choice, a female lion is more likely to be attracted to a shaggy male from Chicago than a well-groomed guy from Houston.

    Chicago lions simply got more game.

    Scientists measured the size and fullness of lions' manes in northern and southern zoos and found that cats living in colder climates had heartier hairstyles, a key attractant to female lions.

    Nutrition, social factors, and genetics have previously been considered important factors affecting mane quality, but the new finding suggests that up to one-half of the mane's length and density is determined by temperature.

    The study is detailed in the April 13 issue of the Journal of Mammalogy.

    Keep it cool

    A thick mane retains heat in a hot, dry climate—like wearing a fur hat or wool scarf—and can cause a big cat to overheat.

    Average temperatures in the parks that were studied— spanning 2,000 miles from Illinois to Texas —varied from 20 to 54 degrees Fahrenheit in January and 65 to 87 degrees in July.

    While all the lions had full manes around the forehead, sideburns, shoulders, and throat, occupants of southern zoos lack hair in other areas, such as the elbows, belly, ribs, and back.

    "We evaluated lions on the same spatial scale that females and males evaluate them, which is from 20 to 30 yards away," said study leader Bruce Patterson of The Field Museum. "The elbows, ribs, back, belly, flanks—those are areas that you only see thick in northern zoos."

    Two southern lions, one from Houston and another from Tyler, Texas, both sport impressive manes, the judges say. But their hair looks thinner than the northern lions and they're hairless on the back and belly.

    Price to pay

    The quality of a male's mane broadcasts information to both sexes. A large, thick mane tells the other guys to "stay away," and says "come hither" to the girls.

    But a sexy mane has its price. It gives away location to prey, makes it difficult to move through bushes, and can harbor parasites.

    Mostly it takes a lot of energy from food to grow and maintain, which is why captive lions generally sport more impressive manes. Zoo lions eat about six meals of 5 to 10 pounds of meat a week, the feline equivalent of three square meals a day.

    Unlike wild lions, captive lions don't have to fight for their food. After losing a fight, a wild lion feels less manly and his testosterone levels drop, which thins out his mane.

    "[Wild lions] have to fight territorial battles and won't have the studly manes that [captive] guys do," Patterson told LiveScience.


