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首页 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思综合 > 3分钟学会一个雅思7分句/段(第171期)


2023-01-12 10:33     作者 :    


People living in the twenty-first century generally have a better quality of life than people who lived in previous centuries. 
To what extent do you agree or disagree? 
1. However, the aforementioned demerits can actually be avoided as long as people have fostered the sense of self-discipline, which indicates that behind today’s life is a silver lining.
* 承上启下,反驳上一段「沉迷网络」的观点。
2. In effect, the cutting-edge technology has enabled netizens to not onlyspice up their social life through speedy interaction among other cyber users but also facilitate cultural, business and academic exchanges through sundry online platforms, regardless of geographic distance or accidents and incidents popping up in the real life.
* 详写好处1:一一反驳上文提到的「网络科技」的坏处,点出合理利用的优势。(注:今昔对比中,「科技科技」是主要切入点。)
3. A typical example is that international students can attend the online courses offered by world-renowned universities without stepping in the campus thousands of miles away and concerning about the gravity of pandemics.
* 举例论证。
4. Besides, video game producers have also developed new products regarding intellectual progresses and physical fitness.
* 详写好处2:游戏也有有利身心健康的。
5. Moreover, medical and biological breakthroughs have cured more diseases, improved the patients’ quality of life, and increased life expectancy.
* 一一反驳完上文的弊端后,再点出其他科技进步带来的好处——医疗。
6. All of those cannot be imagined by people living in previous centuries.
* 小总结。
1. 内容(Task Response)*** 特别重要 ***
2. 组织(Coherence and Cohesion)*** 尤其重要 ***
3. 词汇(Lexical Resource)
foster 为及物动词,意思是“培养”。归类于“通用词”。
self-discipline 为不可数名词,意思是“自律”。归类于“话题高频词”。
silver lining 为名词词组,意思是“一线希望”。归类于“通用词”。
spice up 为动词词组,意思是“增添趣味”。归类于“话题高频词”。
sundry 为形容词,意思是“各种各样的”。归类于“通用词”。
pop up 为不及物动词词组,意思是“突然发生”。归类于“通用词”。
gravity 为不可数名词,意思是“[局势]严重性”。归类于“通用词”。
intellectual progress 为名词词组,意思是“智力发展”。归类于“话题高频词”。
4. 语法(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)
第1句:as long as引导条件状语从句;which引导定语从句,指代前面一整句话这件事。
第2句:主句为not only…but also…的平行结构;regardless of后跟名词词组,pop up 是v.ing非谓语作定语后置,修饰accidents and incidents。


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